OZeWAI and workshop links
- Getting started with accessibility
- Research and usability testing (includes recruitment resources)
- Australia legislation and standards
- Training, courses and workshops
- Find an accessibility professional: Consultant Directory
- Become an OZeWAI member
- Embedding Accessibility Earlier in Projects
Workshop resources:
Researchops.Community resources:
- Researchops.community website
- Toolbox.researchops.community
- Consider accessibility as part of the work involved in ResearchOps and the 8 Pillars
Immersion principle
Community organisations
- Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
- People with Disability Australia
- The Field – jobs
- Mentoring co-design projects
- Greg Alchin: Zen Inclusive Design
- Inclusive Design Jam access to a Community of Practice
- Subscribe to AbilityNews.org
Inclusive language and easy reading
- Self-defined website
- The Ableist Jar
- Oxfam – Inclusive language
- SA Gov Easy Read guide
- PWDA Language Guide
- Models of disability
- How to Make Hashtags Accessible with CamelCase | Succeed With Dyslexia
- Check Grammar with Grammarly
- Hemingway app
- Meryl.net: Deaf FAQ
Understanding how people use web and tech
- OZeWAI YouTube video for Get Online week 2020 – featuring Scott Nixon
- W3C – How people use the web
- OZeWAI YouTube presentations from past conferences
- A11yBytes YouTube videos
- Apple: Accessibility
- Readings to get Project Managers and Product Owners started on accessibility
Safety principle
Trauma-informed care
- LinkedIn post by Sahibzada Mayed
- An Ethic of Care for Research Participants as Trauma Survivors
- Trauma Responsiveness in Participatory Research
- An Ethic of Care for Research Participants as Trauma Survivors
- TNLCommunityFund.org.uk – Trauma informed social research guide
- Understanding research abuse
Diversity and equity principles
- Ayesha shared: User interviews report on incentives just came out yesterday
- Participant payments
- Ethn.io incentives
Embedding – sharing findings with participants early
- Example of sharing research outcomes with participants by Shamsi at ARXIV (uses a spreadsheet approach to share findings)
- How to make UX research accessible for neurodiverse professionals – UXinsight
- Liberatory Design
- ‘All of us’ guide to engaging consumers
Standards and processes
- DTA’s Digital Service Standard
- Intopia’s A11y user stories
- https://inclusivedesign24.org/
- Accessibility Lessons Learned from Blind Users Attending a User Research Study | Equal Entry
Functional Performance Statements
Workplaces and DEI
- HBR: When you efforts to be inclusive misfire
- FastCompany article: How to admit in an apology your DEI efforts fell short
- Book: Inclusive Teams and Workplaces: Everyone Wins!!
- Neurodiversity Resources For Employers
- ADHD Australia
- Experiences of Autistic Adults Online
- Why Am I Always Being Researched? – Chicago Beyond
- Today’s Autistic Moments Podcast
Piloting principle
Inclusive culture
- AND’s disability inclusion plan
- Job Access Disability Action Plan template
- Neurodiversity Hub
- SBS Inclusion program and training
- Fantastic case study in building Inclusive Research: Getting started with Inclusive Research
- Design systems for equity
- Designing for accessibility
- Stock Photo Sites for Inclusion
- Guidelines for Writing About People With Disabilities | ADA National Network
- disability-inclusive language guidelines | UN geneva
Planning and budget – buy-in
- W3C business case for accessibility
- Deque: How to build the foundation for digital accessibility
- Developing a Plan – BC Accessibility HUB
Templates and tools
- AbilityWorks – information resources
- AbilityWorks – disability inclusive usability testing
- Vision Australia Focus Groups
- Digital Access Blog | Vision Australia. Blindness and low vision services
- Queenslanders With Disability Network
- Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion
Accessibility and WCAG
- 43 Browser Extensions to Perform Accessibility Testing Effectively
- Keyboard Accessibility Tips Using HTML and CSS
- A11y Coffee: Start Testing for Web Accessibility
- Karl Groves: The 6 simplest web accessibility tests
- W3C report tool
Testing and extensions
- Trial some of the artefacts or prototypes using Chrome plugins – such as
- AccessibilityOz – Screen reader View Firefox extension
- Firefox Extension – Pericles Text to Speech Screen Reader
- Firefox extension – a11y-outline
- Firefox Wiki – List of screen readers
- Chrome Extension – Lighthouse
- When testing out equipment ourselves before the session, what should we look for to ensure that the equipment is usable for participants?
- Test working as expected
- Understanding screen readers – test using some of the browser tools and add ons
- Accessible ICT Procurement
- Vendors that say they will run testing to ensure digital assets meet all WCAG standards* ^
- First check is to find out if they have an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) or a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) – could be a link on their website (eg. Miro accessibility, Optimal workshop – accessibility statement)
- Screen readers
- JAWS (Job Access with Speech) – Third party app for Windows.
- NVDA (Nonvisual Desktop Access) – Third party app for Windows
- VoiceOver – built into iOS and OSX
- Narrator – built into Windows 11
- ChromeVox – part of the Chrome browser
- TalkBack – built into Android
- WebAIM survey on screen reader users
Tools and libraries
- WebAIM: Contrast Checker | Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools | Browser Extensions
- Deque (For purchase): axe Tools | Chrome & Firefox plugins
- Microsoft: Accessibility Insights
- NPMJS: jest-axe
- CANAXXES: This is WCAG checklist
- A11y Project: WCAG Compliance checklist
- a11y Australia: Accessibility checkers, screen readers and other testing tools
Guides and handbooks
- ARIA – ARIA Authoring Practices Guide
- W3C – Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | QuickRef | WCAG2 |
- WCAG3 (draft)
- California State University – Universal Design Center
- Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh – Web Accessibility Guidelines v1.0
- North Carolina State University – Accessibility Handbook
- App accessibility: Commonly overlooked accessibility practices for mobile apps | by Ryan Tan | Feb, 2023 | Bootcamp
- The Book – Emily Ladau
- Regine Gilbert – Inclusive Design book
- Accessible conferences and events
Tutorials and podcasts
- YouTube: ARIA HTML Tutorial – What is ARIA & Why it’s Important
- SocialDesignSydney – YouTube
- Podcast: A11y Rules Soundbite
- YouTube: 5 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid with Inclusive Design
- arXiv Accessibility Forum 2023 — Dr. Jonathan Godfrey: Keynote – uses HTML for all of his communications with his students.