OZeWAI Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held online at the Australian Accessibility Conference on 10 December 2020.
- Welcome
- Apologies (Chair)
- Attendance (Chair)
- Confirmation of minutes from 2019 AGM (held February 2020) (Chair)
- Annual report (Chair)
- Annual financial statement (Treasurer)
- Apologies and Attendance (Chair)
- Election of 2021 committee (Chair)
- Planning for OzeWAI 2021 (Conference Convener)
- Any other business (Chair)
120 registered online
Minutes of previous AGM
Moved by Liddy, seconded by Bri
Chair and Finance
Moved by Gerry, seconded by Bri
Current conference
Thank you to everyone who made OZeWAI happen online!
Membership fees
Further contributions to the discussion about the future of OZeWAI will be in the forum.
Everyone paid $20 individual, includes attendance to the online conference.