Web Accessibility Information



This was an information day held in Melbourne on 22 September 1998. A one hour presentation about universal web accessibility was offered throughout the day.

The presentation and a rich set of resources for those who wish to know more, was placed on a CD for later use. Details of what is on the CD and how to get it are available.

On WAI Day we talked to a wide audience offering: a ‘tech’ approach, a trigger to action, a marketing incentive and a management perspective – web sites will be more manageable, maintainable and flexible if they are made with style sheets, HTML 4.0 and incorporate universal design principles. For further details see the index to the presentation which is on the CD.

Organisations interested in having a live presentation should contact us at ozekids@nla.gov.au.

WAI Day was sponsored by RMIT Corporate Affairs Group, Telstra, the Australian Multimedia Testing Centre, Multimedia Victoria, and the Department of Human Services. The Victoria Law Foundation offered a special session for Melbourne lawyers.

We showed participants what the web looks like if it is not properly developed, how easy it is to make little changes that result in BIG changes to accessibility, how to spread the word to colleagues, and what the tech people and web masters need to learn to make the problem go away. They left with a presentation on CD/ROM so they could show their colleagues what can be done and why it is necessary.

This is an image of the opening screen of the OZeWAI CD.

The WAI DAY CD-ROM has digital resources from our overview of the problem for others’ training programs and pointers to the main sources for up-to-date material about web accessibility, including the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative web site. See the CD sitemap for further details.

We believe the material will be of interest to web designers, librarians, public relations people or whoever is concerned that the organisation has a functional web site. CDS can be ordered: see CD Order Form.

WAI DAY was organised by the Sunrise Research Laboratory and the Disability Liaison Unit at RMIT, in conjunction with the the Association for the Blind and the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind.