OZeWAI 2014

OZeWAI 2014 Programme

Monday 8th December Tuesday 9th December Wednesday 10th December

Monday 8th December, Odeon, Union Buildings, La Trobe University

Session description
8.30 am Registration | tea and coffee.
9.00 am

Opening Session (90 mins)

Welcome (5 mins): Liddy Nevile

Logistics (5 mins): MC Jonathan O’Donnell

Keynote (30 mins): Jacqui Van Teulingen, Digital Government Strategy (AGIMO)

Are we there yet? But wait, where are we going? [18.8 MB PPTX]

Discussion (10 mins)

Panel discussion: (20 mins)

Relationship between OZeWAI participants’ work and government efforts in ‘digital by default’ environments – a paradigm shift from accessibility assessing or checking (as many do now at the end state), to better upfront inclusive design.

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 WG7 Introductions (20 mins)

Quick introduction to the ISO WG7 work and participants and agenda for meetings.

10.30 am Tea and coffee break
11.00 am

Session 2 – Panel: what has W3C and the rest of the world been doing? (60 mins)

  • Update on W3C/WAI [Slideshare] – Andrew Arch.
  • W3C Cognitive accessibility work [94 kB PPTX] – Liddy Nevile.
  • ISO JTC1 SWG-A – (TBA)
  • W3C in general – Charles Nevile, Yandex
  • GPII developments in Europe – (TBA)
  • Using schema.org metadata – Charles Nevile

Discussion (30 mins)




Session 3 (90 mins) – Universities and inclusion/accessibility

Presentation (25 mins): Darren Britten, Wendy Paulusz and Peter Halll, LaTrobe University

Bridging the gap between information and application: an online resource for academic staff in evaluating “How Inclusive Is My Subject?” [1.1 MB PPTX]

Presentation (25 mins): Andrew Normand, Melbourne University

Responsive Design for Users with Disabilities
– the hamburger menu is one design element that has made the jump from mobile to desktop. How are users with disabilities responding to these new design patterns?

Presentation (25 mins) – Pasquale Stella, Monash University

Much Ado About an IT Web Accessibility Policy! [2 MB PPTX]

Discussion (15 mins)

3.30 pm

Tea and coffee break

4.00 pm

Session 4 (90 mins) –

Presentation (30 mins) – Gian Wild, accessibilityoz

Social media accessibility whether it be Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook or Google+. Gian will explain the various accessibility problems with the most common social networking sites and how to work around them.

Scratch workshop (60 mins) – Keith Wilson

This is a hands-on session. Bring your own computer – loaded with Scratch from http://scratch.mit.edu/ if possible.

5.30 – 7.30pm

OZeWAI BBQ, Union Building, La Trobe University

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Tuesday 9th December, Odeon, Union Buildings, La Trobe University

Session Description
8.30 am

Registration | tea and coffee

9.00 am

Session 5 (90 mins) – Recent Developments

Presentation (20 mins): Scott Hollier, MAA

Cloud computing and accessibility

Discussion (10 mins)

Presentation (30 mins): Vivienne Conway, WebKeyIT

Website Accessibility in Australia and the National Transition Strategy: Outcomes and findings [1.1 MB PPTX]. Report of the effect of the NTS on 138 Australian government, government-affiliated, not-for-profit and corporate websites to determine.

Discussion (10 mins)

Presentation (20 mins): Charles Nevile and Russ Weakley

HTML 5 accessibility overview

Accessible in-page tabs [93.9 MB MP4].

10.30 am

Tea and coffee break

11.00 am

Session 6 (90 mins) – Presentations

Presentation (20 mins): Andrew Arch, AGIMO

ISO/IEC Guide 71 [slideshare] – What is it? What does it entail? What does it mean to us?

Discussion (10 mins)

Presentation (40 mins): Mark Rogers, PowerMapper

  • Demo of screen readers
  • Screen reader compatibility

Presentation (20 mins) – Bronwyn Lapham, eWorks

Last year, Bronwyn presented the E-standards for Training accessible video player, and since then they have made enhancements to it.

1.00pm Lunch

Session 7 (90 mins) – Accessible documents

Presentations (20 mins each):

Discussion (10 mins)

3.30 pm Tea and coffee break

Session 8 (90 mins) –

Presentation (20 mins): Miran Choi, Electronic and Telecommunication Research Institute, Korea

Consideration of accessibility requirements for language learning based on speech-NLP technology.

Discussion (10 mins)

Presentation (20 mins): Leona Zumbo, Vision Australia


Discussion (10 mins)

Presentation (15 mins): Mark Rogers, Powermapper

WCAG Sufficient Techniques and Failures – are they all still necessary?

Presentation (15 mins): WebKeyIT Student scholarship winner

Muhammad Saleem won the Web Key IT Student Award to attend OZeWAI this year. Muhammad is a post-grad sudent studying Web Accessibility in Gulf Countries [766 kB PPTX]. He has volunteered with the Kuwait Blind Society.

6.30 – 9.30pm

OZeWAI Dinner, sponsored by Media Access Australia.

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Wednesday 10th December, Odeon, Union Buildings, La Trobe University

Session Description
8.30 am Registration | tea and coffee.
9.00 am

Session 9 (90 mins) – Learning ‘accessibility’

Presentation (20 mins): Ying-Hsang Liu, CSU

The CSU program and relevant research about web accessibility. [24 MB PPTX]

Discussion (10 mins)

Presentations (10 mins each):

  • Demo of problems with documents – Scott Hollier
  • Legacy PDFs – Gian Wild, accessibilityoz
  • Alternatives to PDFs [4.1 MB PPTX] – Dan Craddock, Department of Justice (VIC)
  • The Alternative text conundrum – Andrew Downie, DET NSW

Discussion (10 mins)

10.30 am

Tea and coffee break


Session 10 (90 mins) – Cognitive Disabilities

Presentation (20 mins) – Gian Wild, AccessibilityOz

Discussion (10 mins)

Presentation (10 mins) – – Helle Bjarnø, ISO/W3C, Danish Government

ISO TC173/WG10 Assistive Products for Cognitive Disabilities [1 MB PPTX]

Presentation (10 mins) – – Liddy Nevile

W3C COGA developments

Panel discussion (20 mins) – ‘accommodating cognitive impairments’

Chair: Jonathan O’Donnell


Lunch – WANAU informal meeting


Session 11 (90 mins) – Process matters

Presentation (30 mins): Gian Wild, accessibilityoz

This session focuses on accessibility activities to perform at key stages of the web development lifecycle. These activities can ensure that a site is accessible as possible at launch.

Presentation (20 mins): Justin Brown, Edith Cowan University

“The accessibility of the back-end management interfaces of Web CMSs”

Discussion (30 mins): Potential roles and activities for OZeWAI Inc.

3.30 pm

Tea and coffee break

4.00 pm

Session 12 (40 mins)

OZeWAI Annual General Meeting (30 mins)

AGM including election of office bearers for 2015

Closing session (10 mins): Jonathan O’Donnell

4.45 – 6.00 pm

OZeWAI Closing Drinks