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OZeWAI 2002 Annotated Programme

Once completed, this annotated programme will be available on CD for those who request a copy.

Introduction to Accessibility

Keynote Presentation:
"An Interactive Multimedia Web"

Why do we use multimedia?

Associate Professor William Cartwright, RMIT University

Problems and opportunities with multimedia

Typical uses and opportunities with multimedia


Choosing tools using WCAG, ATAG and UUAG

Charles McCathieNevile, W3C

Government ICT Policy

Launch of IT-Test

John Rimmer, National Office the Information Economy

Legal aspects

Chair: Jason White

Multimedia developers' experiences

Roland Maxwell - Acumentum

Tutorial Sessions

Tutorial 1 - General Stream

Overview of the W3C Guidelines and recent developments

Tutorial 2 - Education Stream

IMS Guidelines for Accessible Content for education - establishing local standards - learner profiles and content capabilities

Tutorial 3 - Sponsored Technical Session

How to use Flash to produce maximally accessible content

Tutorial 4 - Managers/Administrators Stream

Contracting for Accessible Sites - the issues for tenderers and tenderees. What makes for success and where does it break down?

Tutorial 5 - Sponsored General Session

Using your HiSoftware products to assess accessibility, automate the process, monitor the results, and develop Quality Assurance systems.

Tutorial 6 - Education Stream

Undergraduate and in-service web development training for developers and teachers

Tutorial 7 - Technical Stream

Using W3C standards for accessible content - what is in the standards that is useful?

Tutorial 8 - Managers/Administrators Stream

Managing for accessibility - managing the moving target

Tutorial 9 - General Stream

Choosing the right tools.

Tutorial 10 - Education Stream

What is happening in educational institutions where students/teachers/lecturers make web pages?

Tutorial 11 - Technical Session

Identifying personal needs and preferences, labelling content for accessibility, matching up people and resources.

Tutorial 12 - Managers/Administrators Stream

Testing for Accessibility - is your site accessible or just conformant??

Tutorial 13 - General Stream

What is needed to make a Difference?

Tutorial 14 - 16 - Plenary Stream

Assistive Technologies in action - demos

Chair: Andrew Arch

Tutorial 15 - Technical Session

Thinking ahead - information architecture - ubiquitous computing -

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