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OZeWAI 2002 Annotated Programme
Once completed, this annotated programme will be available on CD for those
who request a copy.
Introduction to Accessibility
Keynote Presentation:
"An Interactive Multimedia Web"
- Dean Jackson,
World Wide Web Consortium, CSIRO.
Why do we use multimedia?
Associate Professor William Cartwright, RMIT University
Problems and opportunities with multimedia
- Andrew Arch, Vision Australia Foundation, PowerPoint
- John McKenna, Telstra
- Charles McCathieNevile, W3C
Typical uses and opportunities with multimedia
Choosing tools using WCAG, ATAG and UUAG
Charles McCathieNevile, W3C
Government ICT Policy
Launch of IT-Test
John Rimmer, National Office the Information Economy
Legal aspects
Chair: Jason White
Multimedia developers' experiences
Roland Maxwell - Acumentum
Tutorial Sessions
Tutorial 1 - General Stream
Overview of the W3C Guidelines and recent developments
- WCAG - Jason White, Uni.Melb.
- ATAG, UAAG - Charles McCathieNevile, W3C
Tutorial 2 - Education Stream
IMS Guidelines for Accessible Content for education - establishing local standards
- learner profiles and content capabilities
Tutorial 3 - Sponsored Technical Session
How to use Flash to produce maximally accessible content
Tutorial 4 - Managers/Administrators Stream
Contracting for Accessible Sites - the issues for tenderers and tenderees.
What makes for success and where does it break down?
- Gian Sampson-Wild, PurpleTop
- Matt Harris, Morpheum
Tutorial 5 - Sponsored General Session
Using your HiSoftware products to assess accessibility, automate the process,
monitor the results, and develop Quality Assurance systems.
Tutorial 6 - Education Stream
Undergraduate and in-service web development training for developers and teachers
- Oliver Burmeister, Swinburne University
- Matt Harris, Morpheum
- Jason White, University of Melbourne
Tutorial 7 - Technical Stream
Using W3C standards for accessible content - what is in the standards that
is useful?
- Dean Jackson, W3C, CSIRO
- Charles McCathieNevile, W3C
Tutorial 8 - Managers/Administrators Stream
Managing for accessibility - managing the moving target
Tutorial 9 - General Stream
Choosing the right tools.
- Charles McCathieNevile, W3C
- Peter Batchelor, ITS
Tutorial 10 - Education Stream
What is happening in educational institutions where students/teachers/lecturers
make web pages?
- Dey Alexander, Monash
- Sue Steele, Monash University
Tutorial 11 - Technical Session
Identifying personal needs and preferences, labelling content for accessibility,
matching up people and resources.
Tutorial 12 - Managers/Administrators Stream
Testing for Accessibility - is your site accessible or just conformant??
Tutorial 13 - General Stream
What is needed to make a Difference?
Tutorial 14 - 16 - Plenary Stream
Assistive Technologies in action - demos
Chair: Andrew Arch
- Jaws
- Braille
- Zoomtext
- Naturally Speaking
- MAGpie
Tutorial 15 - Technical Session
Thinking ahead - information architecture - ubiquitous computing -
Links: OZeWAI 2002 home page